Black Women Are Goddesses

By | 5:17 PM Leave a Comment

OMG! Are people actually mad when you do not sympathize with black women.. LMAO! That's ironic isn't it? Aren't black women strong and proud warriors who mothered life on this planet. Aren't these are beautiful black women?
Yet we should be scolded if we don't feel sorry for their struggles here??? But hold it! Don't you feel sorry for weak people? Black women are the some of the most beautiful women on planet earth and people from other races struggle to have our features and attributes.
most beautiful black woman

White celebs pay hundreds of thousands in cosmetic surgery to have our attributes. So sorry, as a black woman, I dare don't feel sorry for a black woman because she had a few brats in her childhood scold or ridicule her. Get over it! Black women are beautiful and superior in every way. Some would say that the black woman is the most beautiful on planet earth, and that's okay!
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